flashback-tracing our Collin county roots
brenda kellow
november 24, 2013
Announcing a new article series beginning with the December issue of Genealogy Friends’ Newsletter, www.genealogyfriends.org, in which I report what I read in the old issues of The Plano Star Courier Newspaper, beginning with the July 16, 1953 issue. A native of Collin County and Plano, I feel the county and city histories in particular always ignore the 1950s through the 1980s. I hope Flashback—Tracing Our Collin County Roots might fill that void. I am neither indexing nor rewriting history, just reporting what appeared in the newspaper on that date. I will mention some of the things going on such as births, deaths, marriages, visits of townspeople and their guests, people graduating from high school, people in piano recitals, even a few of the local store advertisements, a brief mention of politicians running for office, and some of the movies showing at the local Palace movie theatre referred to as ‘the show.’ I hope it is a fun article acquainting the reader with the old settlers of Plano and give a sense of the hometown environment back then.
You can read this online on the Genealogy Friends webpage at the link above. From Home click on Publications and then click Newsletter Archives, or go to it directly at http://www.genealogyfriends.org/newsletter-archives.html.
PLANO CHAPTER SAR: Those attending the Plano Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapter #33 November meeting were entertained by Dan Reed’s presentation on trains in Texas. An old train man himself, he had many interesting facts about a subject my husband and I enjoy. An active chapter, many chapter and national awards were given to the recipients. One new member was welcomed into the group who expressed a wish to become a member of their Color Guard. They unveiled a handmade podium engraved with an honored deceased member’s name below the SAR star logo. Once a month the chapter takes cookies and other items the Vets need at the Veteran’s Hospital in Bonham. Anyone interested in an active SAR chapter should contact them from their home page at http://www.planosar.org/. Monthly chapter meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at Outback Steakhouse, 1509 N. Central Expressway at 7 p.m. Dinner Seating starts at 6 p.m. Visiting & potential new members are always welcome.
BILLION GRAVES HAS NEW TRANSCRIBING FEATURE: I have just tried out the new military transcribing feature on this site and I find it easy to use. One new feature is that of adding and identifying the religious denomination of the soldier. If you are not entering the cemetery and grave information as you visit cemeteries, please consider doing so in the future. Access the site at www.billiongraves.com.
MOCAVO ADDS FREE INDEXES: Mocavo’s continues to announce they add the world's historical content online, free forever. Many of these databases are already online at the state archives and/or library sites for the respective states, but Mocavo made them more accessible and easier to search. Additionally, the site has databases from the National Park Service online. The next time the government shuts down search the Mocavo database, www.mocavo.com. To access the free Basic site, I had to sign in with my name and email to be able to search the databases. I did not find their claim that their site was more accessible and easier to search to be true. I am interested to hear my readers’ responses that use the Mocavo site as to their difficulty. In addition, I would like to know if any of you use Mocavo’s Silver or Gold pay areas.
GOOGLE HELPS WITH RESEARCH: Recently, a researcher who was terribly frustrated with the new FamilySearach.org website told me she was unable to find things that used to be so simple. She is about to go to the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City and was trying to find the classes that would be taught while she is there. I checked the site briefly and could not find it either. Not wanting to waste any more time on the new site, I Googled, “classes at the Family History Library” and it took me to the page where they have their classes listed by month. If you are planning a trip to the FHL, please look at the free classes they will be giving at https://familysearch.org/locations/library_tips.
Brenda Kellow has a bachelor's degree in history, taught, and lectured on genealogy. Before retiring to publish her family’s histories in 2007, Brenda held certification as a Certified Genealogist and as a Certified Genealogical Instructor.